How to Dry Garden Furniture Cushions

How to Dry Garden Furniture Cushions

How to Dry Garden Furniture Cushions

by | Mar 26, 2023 | How To

How to Dry Garden Furniture Cushions

Advice on How To Dry Garden Furniture Cushions

Dry Garden furniture cushions can be a beautiful addition to any outdoor space. They provide comfort and style to your garden furniture, but they can also be a hassle to maintain. When they get wet, it can take a long time for them to dry, and if left in that state, they can start to smell and develop mold. Drying your garden furniture cushions is an essential step in maintaining their quality and prolonging their lifespan. In this post, we will discuss how to dry garden furniture cushions, so they stay fresh and comfortable for a long time.

Remove the cushions from the furniture

The first step in drying garden furniture cushions is to remove them from the furniture. This allows you to assess the damage and start the drying process without the furniture getting in the way. Once you have removed the cushions, give the furniture a good wipe down with a dry cloth to remove any excess moisture.

 Shake off excess water

Next, you want to shake off any excess water from the cushions. Hold them by the corners and give them a good shake. This will remove a lot of the water and make the cushions easier to handle.

Towel dry the cushions

After shaking off the excess water, use a clean, dry towel to pat the cushions dry. Be gentle and avoid rubbing the cushion too hard, as this can damage the fabric or stuffing. If the cushions are particularly wet, you may need to use multiple towels to get them completely dry.

Useful items to dry garden furniture cushions


  1. Microfiber towels – these are great for absorbing moisture and drying off cushions. You can find them on Amazon UK, such as the Amazon Basics Microfiber Cleaning Cloths.

  2. Sun loungers or outdoor drying racks – if you have a sunny spot in your garden or patio, you can lay your cushions out to dry on a sun lounger or drying rack. Aston Sheds UK has a range of garden furniture including sun loungers that could be used for this purpose.

  3. Waterproof storage boxes – to protect your cushions from the rain, you might want to invest in a waterproof storage box. Aston Sheds UK offers a range of sizes and styles of outdoor storage solutions.

  4. Air movers – if you need to dry your cushions quickly, you could use an air mover or blower. This can help to circulate air around the cushions and speed up the drying process. Amazon UK offers a range of air movers, such as the VonHaus 3-in-1 Air Mover, which can be used for drying carpets and floors as well as cushions.

  5. Dehumidifiers – if your cushions are in a damp area or the weather is particularly humid, you might want to use a dehumidifier to help dry them out. Amazon UK offers a range of dehumidifiers, such as the Pro Breeze 20L/Day Dehumidifier, which is designed for use in larger rooms.

Air dry the cushions

Once you have towel-dried the cushions, the next step is to let them air dry. Find a dry, well-ventilated area where you can lay the cushions flat. Avoid direct sunlight, as this can cause the fabric to fade or discolour. You can also prop the cushions up against a wall or chair, so they can dry evenly on all sides.

Use a fan or heater

If the cushions are not drying fast enough, you can use a fan or heater to speed up the process. Make sure the fan is on a low setting and is not blowing directly onto the cushions, as this can damage the fabric or stuffing. A heater can also be used, but again, make sure it is not too close to the cushions.

Fluff the cushions

As the cushions dry, they may start to lose their shape or become flat. To prevent this, fluff the cushions periodically during the drying process. This will help redistribute the stuffing and keep the cushions looking plump and comfortable.


Drying your garden furniture cushions is a crucial step in maintaining their quality and prolonging their lifespan. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your cushions stay fresh and comfortable for a long time. Remember to remove the cushions from the furniture, shake off excess water, towel dry them, air dry them, use a fan or heater if necessary, and fluff the cushions periodically. With a little bit of care and attention, your garden furniture cushions will look and feel great for years to come.

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