How To Stop Dogs Peeing Up Garden Furniture

How To Stop Dogs Peeing Up Garden Furniture

How To Stop Dogs Peeing Up Garden Furniture

by | Apr 1, 2023 | How To

How To Stop Dogs Peeing Up Garden Furniture

Methods To Stop Dogs Peeing Up Garden Furniture

How to stop dogs peeing up garden furniture: If you’re a dog owner and you enjoy spending time in your garden, you may have noticed that your furry friend likes to mark their territory by peeing on your outdoor furniture. Not only can this be unsightly and unpleasant, but it can also damage your furniture over time. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and techniques for stopping dogs from peeing on garden furniture.

Provide a Designated Pee Area

One effective way to stop dogs from peeing on garden furniture is to provide them with a designated pee area. This could be a small section of your garden or a designated pee pad. Use positive reinforcement training techniques to encourage your dog to use this area instead of peeing on your furniture.

Use Repellent Sprays

There are a variety of commercial repellent sprays available that can help deter dogs from peeing on garden furniture. These sprays contain scents that dogs find unpleasant or offensive, such as citrus or vinegar. Simply spray the repellent on your furniture and reapply as necessary.

Products that can help stop dogs from peeing on garden furniture

  1. Simple Solution Indoor Urine Destroyer Stain and Odour Remover – This product is designed to eliminate urine stains and odours, making it an excellent solution for stopping dogs from peeing on furniture.
  2. PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Deterrent – This device uses a motion sensor to detect when a dog is approaching furniture and sprays a harmless burst of air to deter them from urinating.
  3. PetSafe ScatMat Indoor Pet Training Mat – This mat emits a harmless static pulse when a dog steps on it, teaching them to avoid the area where it is placed.
  4. PoochPad Reusable Potty Pad – This pad is designed to absorb urine and prevent it from soaking into furniture, making it an excellent solution for preventing accidents.
  5. Pro Pooch Chew Stopper Spray – This spray is designed to deter dogs from chewing on furniture, but it can also be used to discourage them from peeing on it.
  6. Sticky Paws Furniture Strips – These strips are designed to be placed on furniture to discourage dogs from scratching or climbing on it, but they can also be used to prevent urination.
  7. Nature’s Miracle No More Marking Stain and Odor Remover – This product is specifically designed to eliminate the odours that attract dogs to mark their territory, making it an excellent solution for preventing them from peeing on furniture.
  8. Grannick’s Bitter Apple Spray – This spray has a bitter taste that dogs find unpleasant, making it an effective way to discourage them from chewing or licking furniture, and it can also be used to prevent urination.

Cover Your Furniture

Another way to stop dogs from peeing on your garden furniture is to cover it up when you’re not using it. This could be as simple as using a tarp or furniture cover, or you could invest in more permanent covers that attach to your furniture. Be sure to choose covers that are easy to clean and maintain.

Train Your Dog

Training your dog not to pee on garden furniture is another effective way to stop this behavior. Use positive reinforcement training techniques to teach your dog that peeing on furniture is not acceptable. Reward your dog when they exhibit desirable behavior and redirect them to a designated pee area when they start to mark their territory on your furniture.

Keep Your Dog on a Leash

If your dog is particularly persistent in their peeing behavior, you may need to keep them on a leash when you’re in the garden. This will allow you to control their movements and prevent them from accessing your furniture. Be sure to supervise your dog closely and reward them when they exhibit desirable behavior.

Clean Up Accidents Immediately

If your dog manages to pee on your garden furniture, it is important to clean up the mess immediately. Use a pet-safe cleaning solution to remove any urine and odor from the furniture. This will help to discourage your dog from returning to the same spot to pee.


Stopping dogs from peeing on garden furniture is an important task that can help to keep your outdoor space clean and comfortable. By providing a designated pee area, using repellent sprays, covering your furniture, training your dog, keeping your dog on a leash, and cleaning up accidents immediately, you can effectively stop this behavior. Remember to use positive reinforcement training techniques and be patient with your dog as they learn new behaviors. With proper training and care, you can enjoy spending time in your garden with your furry friend without worrying about damage to your furniture.

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